Short Communication: Preferential Concentration of Hydroxychloroquine in Adenoid Tissue of HIV-Infected Subjects

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) anti-HIV activity is well documented. To evaluate its distribution in lymphoid tissues, which are considered sanctuaries of HIV reservoirs and targets of early massive depletion of CD4+ T cells, we assessed HCQ concentrations in adenoid tissue and plasma of HIV-infected subjects. A daily oral dose of 400 or 800 mg of HCQ was administered to eight HIV-infected subjects for 8 days. HCQ concentrations were measured in plasma and adenoid tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography. Mean concentrations of HCQ in adenoid tissue of subjects treated with 400 and 800 mg were 87,210 ± 17,817 and 167,472 ± 93,793 ng/g, respectively. In plasma, these values corresponded to 329 ± 133 and 278 ± 68 ng/g, respectively. HCQ concentrations were significantly higher in adenoid tissue than in plasma in both groups. The potential use of HCQ as adjuvant in the therapy of HIV deserves to be explored, as the drug accumulates in relevant tissues for HIV replication and immunopathogenesis.