Further support for the association of CCR5 allelic variants with asthma susceptibility

English and German nuclear families containing multiple asthmatic children and asthmatic parents were analysed to retest a recently reported association between resistance to asthma and the delta32 allele of chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5). Analysis of the families by the transmission-disequilibrium test (TDT) revealed a non-significant trend in the English families that provided marginal confirmation of the association (P < 0.125), but no similar trend was observed in the German families. Case-control comparison of delta32 allele and genotype frequencies in asthmatic vs. non-asthmatic parents revealed a significantly lower frequency of delta32 in asthmatic English parents (P < 0.009) and a similar but non-significant trend in German parents (P < 0.265). Taken together, the pattern of results provides confirmation for the previously observed delta32-asthma association and indicates that susceptibility to asthma may be influenced by CCR5 or another gene in chromosomal region 3p21.