Novel mesophases in fluorine substituted banana-shaped mesogens

A new homologous series of achiral banana-shaped mesogens ('Dn') has been synthesized and studied by the classical techniques (optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, miscibility studies and electro-optic investigations). The short homologues (D6-D8) exhibit a two-dimensional phase 'B1x' different from a B1 phase with a rectangular lattice. The longer homologues (D9-D14) present a mesophase which displays the defects of the B7 phase of the PIMB-NO2 compounds. Nevertheless the D9-D14 mesophase is not miscible with the B7 phase, and contrary to B7, exhibits a bistable behaviour ('ferroelectric' type) suggesting at least a B7 variant.