Filter Media for Nutrient Removal in Natural Systems and Built Environments: I—Previous Trends and Perspectives

High nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in stormwater runoff, contaminated groundwater, landfill leachate, and domestic and industrial wastewater effluents have aggravated groundwater and surface water contamination and hindered the potential of water reuse. Elevated nutrient levels in groundwater and surface water systems may cause public health problems and may impair or destroy environmentally sensitive ecosystem habitats. Multiple pollutants with cotreatment strategies have not yet been fully developed. Design philosophy is evolving to fit versatile application needs with the most cost-effective way to ensure environmental compliance. These nutrients can actually be reduced or even removed to a large extent by using a filter or sorption media mixture throughout the applications of low-impact development and best management practices. The objective of this critical and thorough literature review was to provide a comprehensive realization of the use of sorption media mixtures for nutrient removal in a number of major environmental engineering disciplines. Classification of the disciplinary applications at a practical level provides some viewpoints of the trends and perspectives along this endeavor in the nexus of materials science, sustainable engineering, and green infrastructure.