The two‐dimensional (2D) exchange nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment is applied to study ultraslow as well as faster chain motions in amorphous polymers in the glass transition range. Acquisition of the time domain data with a four‐pulse sequence leads to new characteristics in the corresponding 2H 2D line shapes if the correlation times of the motion are in the intermediate dynamic range. From the asymmetric 2D line shapes, the width of the correlation time distribution can be determined with higher accuracy than through conventional 1D NMR methods. Experimental data are presented on two amorphous polymers—atactic polypropylene and cis‐1,4‐polyisoprene—and are analyzed in terms of isotropic rotational diffusion. Deviations from this simple model due to the presence of conformational transitions within the polymer backbone are detected. Close to Tg, the mean correlation times extracted from 2D exchange NMR exhibit strongly nonArrhenius behavior usually described by the Williams–Landel–Ferry (WLF) equation. In addition, the width of the correlation time distribution is found to decrease with increasing temperature.