The Role of Potassium in Active Transport of Sodium by the Toad Bladder

Studies were carried out on the isolated urinary bladder of the toad, Bufo marinus, in order to explain the dependence of active sodium transport on the presence of potassium, in the serosal medium. Attempts to obtain evidence for coupled sodium-potassium transport by the serosal pump were unsuccessful; no relation between sodium transport and uptake of K(42) from the serosal medium was demonstrable. Rather, the predominant effect of serosal potassium appeared to be operative at the mucosal permeability barrier, influencing the permeability of this surface to sodium. The mucosal effects of serosal potassium were correlated with effects on cellular cation content. When sodium Ringer's solution was used as serosal medium, removal of potassium resulted in significant decrease in tissue potassium content, commensurate increase in tissue sodium content, and marked depression of mucosal permeability and sodium transport. When choline replaced sodium in the serosal medium, removal of potassium resulted in only slight alterations of tissue electrolyte content, and effects on mucosal permeability and sodium transport were minimal.