Transport properties of CeAl3 under pressure

Transport experiments on CeAl3 samples under quasihydrostatic pressure up to 1.63 GPa are reported. Magnetoresistivity measurements in magnetic fields up to 7.3 T from 40 mK to 4 K were performed. Resistivity and thermopower were measured from 1.5 to 300 K. Taking the low‐temperature resistivity as ρ=ρ0+AT2, A increases initially with pressure as expected from the zero pressure thermal dilatation. Above 0.2 GPa, both A and ρ0 decrease dramatically with pressure. It is, however, noteworthy that a T2 law of the resistivity can hardly be extracted from the data above 0.2 GPa. The positive low‐temperature magnetoresistivity also varies strongly with pressure. At 0.82 GPa the low field bump has disappeared and the magnetoresistivity is still positive up to 2.5 K. The thermopower shows an even more drastic pressure dependence. The negative bump around 3.5 K at zero pressure becomes positive above 0.3 GPa and a complex temperature dependence develops. The temperature variation cannot be scaled by a unique pressure‐dependent parameter.

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