Joint Cosmic Microwave Background and Weak Lensing Analysis: Constraints on Cosmological Parameters

We use cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations together with the red-sequence cluster survey weak lensing results to derive constraints on a range of cosmological parameters. This particular choice of observations is motivated by their robust physical interpretation and complementarity. Our combined analysis, including a weak nucleosynthesis constraint, yields accurate determinations of a number of parameters including the amplitude of fluctuations σ8=0.89±0.05 and matter density Ωm=0.30±0.03. We also find a value for the Hubble parameter of H0=70±3   kms1Mpc1, in good agreement with the Hubble Space Telescope key-project result. We conclude that the combination of CMB and weak lensing data provides some of the most powerful constraints available in cosmology today.