Fungus Keratitis

Since the widespread use of cortisone and antibiotics, an alarming rise in the incidence of fungus infections in various organ systems, such as the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, has been noted by many observers. The experience reported here suggests that this may be true of the eye as well. From the time of Theodore Leber's1first report of aspergillosis of the cornea, in 1879, mycotic keratitis has been the subject of an occasional case report, averaging little more than one case per year in the ophthalmic literature in the subsequent three-quarters of a century. However, in the past year (1955) there appeared in the literature six new case reports of fungus keratitis. The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) to report three cases of corneal ulcer in which fungi were demonstrated in the enucleated specimens; (2) to restate the necessity for etiologic diagnosis, both clinical and pathological; (3)