Medical Indoor Environment Counselor (MIEC): role in compliance with advice on mite allergen avoidance and on mite allergen exposure

Background: In order to improve patient compliance in allergen avoidance, a new occupational activity was created: Medical Indoor Environment Counselor (MIEC). The aim of this study was to assess the impact of an MIEC on compliance with advice for mite allergen reduction in patients sensitized and exposed to mite allergens, and on mite allergen levels. Methods: The study included 378 patients from four centers (Marseilles, Montpellier, Paris, Strasbourg) in a randomized prospective study. Patients in group A received advice from doctors only, and those in group B from doctors and MIEC. Mite allergen levels were measured on mattresses, mattress bases, and floors. Compliance and mite allergen levels were assessed 5 months later. Results: Compliance for changing the mattress bases, removing or treating the carpets, washing duvets, pillows and stuffed animals were significantly higher in group B than in group A. A significant decrease in mite allergen was obtained for group B in mattress bases (83.8–22.9 µg/g) and in carpets (15.8–6.3 µg/g), but not in group A. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the home visit by the MIEC 1) increased the compliance to mite reduction methods advised; 2) induced a significant difference in mite reduction levels on mattress bases and on carpets; 3) avoided nonestablished avoidance advice.