Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Liquid Nontransition Metals

We develop a broad interpretation for nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in liquid nontransition metals using our new data for Bi209 and previously reported data for Ga69,71, Rb85,87, Sb121,123, Na23, and In115. Our work provides new insight into the relative importance of the various contributions to the NMR shift K and the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate R1. The three potentially significant contributions to K are the hyperfine contact Ks, hyperfine orbital Ko, and core polarization Kcp. All other contributions to K are negligible. The sum of Ko and Kcp is small compared to Ks even in heavy elements. The first significant contribution to R1 is the hyperfine contact rate R1s, expressed by the Korringa relation, with K(α), the correction factor for electron-electron interactions, having a reasonable value of about 0.75 for all metals in our study. The second and last non-negligible contribution to R1 is the nuclear quadrupole rate R1q arising from the effect of ionic motion on the conduction electrons, whose magnitude decreases with an increase in temperature.