Systematics of quasirotational states inN=88nuclei

The decays of 4.2-min Tb152, 3.3-min Ho154, 11.8-min Ho154, and 82-sec Tm156 have been studied by γ-ray and conversion electron spectroscopy using the He-jet technique. High-spin states in Gd152 were also studied in the Sm152(α,4nγ) reaction at 50 MeV and the Sm150(α,2nγ) reaction at 28 MeV. The systematic behavior of quasirotational bands in N=88 nuclei has been studied, and observed features in the location of β- and γ-band states are shown to be explainable from a consideration of available orbitals in a Nilsson diagram. Microscopic calculations employing fourth and sixth order versions of the boson expansion model of Tamura, Kishimoto, and Weeks reproduce the known low-lying positive parity states in Sm150, Gd152, Dy154, and Er156. Experimentally observed negative-parity states are explained remarkably well by a quadrupole-octupole coupling model, but a backbending plot suggests a possible change in intrinsic structure above spin 11.