Spouse contracting to increase antabuse compliance in alcoholic veterans

Developed and evaluated a home-based contracting program to determine its effect on the compliance rates of discharged alcohol patients to a disulfiram (antabuse) regimen. The three comparison groups included (a) no contract/no recording; (b) contract/recording; and (c) contract/recording plus instructions for positive reinforcement. Twenty-five patients who had been treated in a behaviorally oriented inpatient alcohol dependence treatment program and who lived with a significant other (i. e., spouse, sibling, parent) participated in the study. At the end of the 3-month period for which the disulfiram was prescribed, those Ss who were involved in contracting and recording reached criterion more frequently than those who were in the minimal treatment group. Furthermore, 84% of this S sample were abstinent at the 3-month follow-up according to collateral reports. The discussion centers on the use of home-based contracting as an inexpensive alternative to other, more costly disulfiram programs. Additional methods for obtaining measures of reliability on self-report of disulfiram usage also are discussed.