Assessment of short-, medium-, and long-term variations in arterial dimensions from computer-assisted quantitation of coronary cineangiograms.

A computer-assisted technique has been developed to assess absolute coronary arterial dimensions from 35 mm cineangiograms. The boundaries of optically magnified and video-digitized coronary segments and the intracardiac catheter are defined by automated edge-detection techniques. Contour positions are corrected for pincushion distortion. The accuracy and precision of the edge detection procedure as assessed from cinefilms of contrast-filled acrylate (Perspex) models were -30 and 90 micrometers, respectively. The variability of the analysis procedure itself in terms of absolute arterial dimensions was less than 0.12 mm, and in terms of percentage arterial narrowing for coronary obstructions less than 2.74%. Short-, medium-, and long-term variability measurements were assessed from repeated coronary angiographic examinations performed 5 min, 1 hr, and 90 days apart, respectively. For all studies the mean differences in absolute diameters were less than 0.13 mm. The variability in obstruction diameter ranged from 0.22 mm for the best-controlled study (medium-term) to 0.36 mm for the least-controlled study (long-term); variability in reference diameter ranged from 0.15 to 0.66 mm, respectively. It is concluded that the biological variations are a source of major concern and that further attempts toward standardization of the angiographic procedure are seriously needed.