Hall Effect of Magnetically Ordered MnAs1−xPxMixed Crystals

The Hall resistivity ϱHof MnAs1−xPxpolyerystals is measured for three compositions:x= 0.11,x= 0.08,x= 0.05, for magnetic inductions up to 0.28 T and for temperatures between 80 and 370 K. Forx= 0.11, ϱHcould be separated into a normal and an anomalous contribution to the Hall effect. The total free d‐carrier density may be inferred at high temperatures (ndf= 7 × 1021cm×3at 300 K); also, d‐electron localization effects are detected at the high spin–low spin transition atThland at the Néel temperatureTN. The anomalous Hall effect below the Curietype temperatureT1is assigned to anisotropic scattering of free d‐carriers on localized cation d‐spins.

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