Are Condom Instructions in Spanish Readable? Implications for AIDS Prevention Activities for Hispanics

Almost haylof the 10,544 cases of AIDS reported among Hispanics are associated with sexual transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus. As a result, the use of condoms has assumed a central role in the prevention of AIDS. In order to determine the readability of Spanish instructions provided with condoms, twentyfive brands were purchased in Los Angeles. Only half of the manufacturers of condoms available in Los Angeles provided instructions in Spanish. Seven different Spanish texts were identified from the thirteen marketed brands. Readability tests indicate that these texts pose difficulties in comprehension for anyone whose reading skills are below the ninth grade level. These instructions inadequately serve the majority of the Hispanic community whose limited reading skills inhibit comprehension of high school level materials. These results suggest the need to modify AIDS education and prevention materials to increase the level of information available to the Hispanic community.