Paramagnetoelectric Effects in NiSO4·6H2O

Piezoelectric paramagnetic crystals can show a linear dependence of the paramagnetic susceptibility on an applied electric field. This effect has been detected in NiSO4·6H2O at low temperatures. The thermodynamic inverse effect, the creation of an electric polarization by applied magnetic fields, has also been observed. Both effects are derived from a free energy which for the tetragonal 422 symmetry takes the form ξ(HaEbHbEa)Hc, where c denotes the tetragonal axis. The quantity ξ has been measured as a function of temperature. It has a pronounced maximum at 3°K, where ξ=2.6×109 esu. It passes through zero at 1.38°K. Between 10 and 70°K it decreases approximately as T2. These features are explained by a microscopic theory which considers the linear variation in an applied electric field of all parameters in the spin Hamiltonian of the four Ni++ ions in the unit cell. The dominant contribution comes from the change in the crystal-field splitting D.