Size Exclusion Chromatography−Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry: “A Perfect Match”

Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) has been coupled to chemical reaction interface mass spectrometry (CRIMS) for the analysis of biopolymers. This innovative combination allows the analysis of biopolymers with no limitation on the molecular weight and chemical composition of the species under investigation. With SEC−CRIMS we have examined different classes of biopolymers including polynucleotides, proteins, and polysaccharides. Moreover, CRIMS allows the simultaneous detection of multiple organic elements and their stable isotopes. When SEC is interfaced to CRIMS, further information (elemental detection) is obtained, enhancing the analytical capability of SEC. These features have been applied to the detection of a labeled protein (13C-rat growth hormone) in plasma and to the characterization of heparin and low molecular weight heparin from different sources.