Magnetic and crystallographic properties of Nd15B7(Fe1−xMx)78

The Nd15B7Fe78‐based four‐component systems in which Fe is substituted by Co, Mn, and Cr have been studied by x‐ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. The lattice constants are found to decrease with raising the concentration of Co and increase with raising the concentration of Mn and Cr. The Curie temperature TC increases significantly with the content of Co, whereas the substitution of Fe with Mn results in a sharp decrease of the Curie temperature. The saturation magnetization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy were measured with a field up to 70 kOe at 1.5 and 300 K. The variation of magnetization as a function of the concentration x of Co shows a maximum around x=0.2. The easy magnetization axis of Nd15B7(FeCo)78 changes with temperature.