Beam Fractions in the Lowest-Quartet Metastable Autoionizing State forO5+andF6+Beams after Passage through Foils

When fast beams of oxygen and fluorine ions are incident on carbon and metal foils thick enough to produce charge-state equilibrium, a significant portion of the lithiumlike beam fraction emerges in excited metastable autoionizing states. We have studied the yield of these states with beams in the range 2-20 MeV incident on nominal 10μg/cm2 carbon foils and on various metallic foils. The decay in flight of the lowest of these states, the (1s2s2p)P5204, is monitored with observation of the spectrum of ejected electrons. We find, for example, that the maximum yield of this single state per incident beam particle is approximately 0.8% and 0.6% for oxygen and fluorine, respectively, on carbon. The energy dependences and target-material dependences are measured and discussed. Comparison is made to related work of Dmitriev et al.