Acoustic and current-pulse responses of identified neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of unanesthetized, decerebrate gerbils.

In an effort to establish relationships between cell physiology and morphology in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN), intracellular single-unit recording and marking experiments were conducted on decerebrate gerbils using horseradish peroxidase (HRP)- or neurobiotin-filled micropipettes. Intracellular responses to acoustic (tone and broadband noise bursts) and electric current-pulse stimuli were recorded and associated with cell morphology. Units were classified according to the response map scheme (type I to type V). Results from 19 identified neurons, including 13 fusiform cells, 2 giant cells, and 4 cartwheel cells, reveal correlations between cell morphology of these neurons and their acoustic responses. Most fusiform cells (8/13) are associated with type III unit response properties. A subset of fusiform cells was type I/III units (2), type III-i units (2), and a type IV-T unit. The giant cells were associated with type IV-i unit response properties. Cartwheel cells all had weak acoustic responses that were difficult to classify. Some measures of membrane properties also were correlated with cell morphology but to a lesser degree. Giant cells and all but one fusiform cell fired only simple action potentials (APs), whereas all cartwheel cells discharged complex APs. Giant and fusiform cells all had monotonic rate versus current level curves, whereas cartwheel cells had nonmonotonic curves. This implies that inhibitory acoustic responses, resulting in nonmonotonic rate versus sound level curves, are due to local inhibitory interactions rather than strictly to membrane properties. A complex-spiking fusiform cell with type III unit properties suggests that cartwheel cells are not the only complex-spiking cells in DCN. The diverse response properties of the DCN's fusiform cells suggests that they are very sensitive to the specific complement of excitatory and inhibitory inputs they receive.