Neurons in the monkey and rat cerebral cortex immunoreactive for somatostatin tetradecapeptide (SRIF) and for neuropeptide Y (NPY) were examined in the light and electron microscope. Neurons immunoreactive for either peptide are found in all areas of monkey cortex examined as well as throughout the rat cerebral cortex and in the subcortical white matter of both species. In monkey and rat cortex, SRIF-positive neurons are morphologically very similar to NPY-positive neurons. Of the total population of SRIF-positive and NPY-positive neurons in sensory-motor and parietal cortex of monkeys, a minimum of 24% was immunoreactive for both peptides. Most cell bodies are small (8 to 10 micron in diameter) and are present through the depth of the cortex but are densest in layers II-III, in layer VI, and in the subjacent white matter. From the cell bodies several processes commonly emerge, branch two or three times, become beaded, and extend for long distances through the cortex. The fields formed by these processes vary from cell to cell; therefore, the usual morphological terms bipolar, multipolar, and so on do not adequately characterize the full population of neurons. Virtually every cell, however, has at least one long vertically oriented process, and most processes of white matter cells ascent into the cortex. No processes could be positively identified with the light microscope as axons. The processes of the peptide-positive neurons form dense plexuses in the cortex. In each area of monkey cortex, SRIF-positive and NPY-positive processes form a superficial plexus in layers I and II and a deep plexus in layer VI. These plexuses vary in density from area to area. All appear to arise from cortical or white matter cells rather than from extrinsic afferents. In some areas such as SI and areas 5 and 7, the superficial plexus extends deeply into layers III and IV; and in area 17, two very prominent middle plexuses occur in layers IIIB through IVB and in the upper one-third of layer V; these are separated by layer IVC, a major zone of thalamic terminations, which contains very few SRIF- or NPY-positive processes. The density of the plexuses is greater for NPY-positive processes than for SRIF-positive processes in all areas. In the rat, the plexuses do not display a strict laminar organization but generally are densest in the supragranular layers (I to III) and decline steadily in the deeper layers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)