Changes in vitellin during oogenesis and effect of estradiol-17β on vitellogenesis in the Pacific oysterCrassostrea gigas

The kinetic profiles of vitellin accumulation in the oyster ovary during oocyte growth and the effects in vivo and in vitro of estradiol-17β (E2) on vitellin formation were examined in this study. The relative vitellin content measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) shows an apparent increase as the oocyte develops. Immunoblotting of the vitellin using anti-vitellin indicated that two main bands (179 and 110 kD), which begin to accumulate at an early stage of maturation, become pronounced during oocyte growth. Meanwhile, the major peak of the intact form of vitellin (530 kD) in gel filtration also enlarges with oocyte growth, supporting the results of immunoblot analysis and vitellin determination. E2 treatment in vivo causes significant increases in oocyte diameter and vitellin content in the female oyster. A similar trend was observed in ovarian tissues cultured in the presence of E2. It is concluded that E2 is one of the major factors which control the vitellogenesis in the oyster and that the ovary is undoubtedly the site of synthesis of vitellin.