Cytokeratin Immunoreactivity in Lobular Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Eighteen commercially available antibodies reactive against different cytokeratin proteins were tested on classic examples of lobular intraepithelial neoplasia (LIN) and of ductal intraepithelial neoplasia (DIN) of the breast. About 90% of higher-grade DIN (AIDH and DCIS) show no or substantially diminished reaction with clone 34βE12 (specified as reactive against keratins 1, 5, 10, and 14 as determined by the manufacturer), while the cells of LIN were found to express the antigen reactive with this antibody. To determine which of these four keratins are present in the cells of LIN, antibodies reactive against these individual four keratins were tested. None of the four antibodies to keratins 1, 5, 10, or 14 reacted with the cells of LIN. To investigate this further, 13 additional monoclonal antibodies to various other keratin proteins were tested on the cells of LIN. Those that successfully reacted with the cells of LIN were further tested on the cells of DIN. All of the individual antibodies reactive with the cells of LIN were also reactive with the cells of DIN to a degree, with clone RCK108 (reactive against keratin 19) coming the closest to demonstrating the reactivity seen with 34βE12. We conclude that the reactivity seen in the cells of LIN with 34βE12 is due to either (a) a crossreaction with keratin 19 that is slightly less prominent than the reaction of the individual clone RCK108, (b) a crossreaction with a keratin protein that was not tested (3, 11, 12), (c) a crossreaction with a protein closely resembling keratin in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, or (d) the detection of a mutated or truncated form of keratin 1, 5, 10, or 14 that cannot be detected by the individual monoclonal antibody.