A computerized model for the self-non-self discrimination at the level of the Th (Th genesis). II. The behavior of the system upon encounter with non-self antigens

In the final analysis, the self (S)–non‐self (NS) discrimination is regulated by the sufficiency or insufficiency of effector Th (eTh) specific for the given antigen. We have described a model (Th genesis) for the origin of eTh based on an antigen‐independent pathway from initial state Th (iTh) to eTh, and on obligatory associative recognition of antigen (ARA) by an iTh and an eTh in order for the iTh to be activated. A computer analysis (referred to as Th genesis) was developed to evaluate this model that is extended here to describe the response to NS antigen. Th genesis fills in the missing element of the two‐signal or ARA model for the S–NS discrimination, i.e. the origin of the primer eTh. The conclusions from this analysis are compared with those of the other models for the origin of eTh.