The melting curve of He3 has been measured to 12 m°K in order to see whether the exchange interaction has caused the solid entropy to fall below its completely disordered value of Rln2. For 12mK<~T<~600mK, the melting curve data are described by P=29.107+0.25537(t)20.05700(t)3+0.01625(t)4 atm, where 100t=T299.028 and T is the absolute temperature in m°K. The data points fit this equation with an rms deviation of 0.06 atm. Using this information and previous results for the liquid and solid molar volumes and the liquid entropy, the Clausius-Clapeyron relation shows that Ssolid=Rln2±16% for 12mK<~T<~320mK. This places an upper limit of 3 m°K on the magnitude of the exchange interaction in solid He3 for molar volumes along the melting curve. The He4 melting curve was measured between 12 m°K and 300 m°K and found to have a slope of 0±0.007 atm/°K.

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