Liquid nitrogen vapour freezing of mouse embryos

Mouse morulae were frozen rapidly to C in the presence of glycerol by a two-step procedure; the embryos were transferred directly from C after seeding into liquid nitrogen vapour at -170 to C and then into liquid nitrogen 10-15 min later. Suitable conditions for the survival of embryos frozen with liquid nitrogen vapour were found to be: 2 M-glycerol, 2 M-propylene glycol, 2 M-ethylene glycol; 5-30 min equilibration time at C; 3-60 min holding time in liquid nitrogen vapour; dilution of glycerol with sucrose out of the frozen-thawed embryos; morula and early blastocyst stage embryos. Relatively high survival rates (69-74%) were obtained after rapid freezing by liquid nitrogen vapour. Morulae frozen in this fashion, cultured and transferred to recipients developed into normal young.