Lupus Nephritis in Black and Hispanic Children

• We studied the long-term outcome of lupus nephritis in 23 black and Hispanic children. The follow-up period ranged from two to 16.5 years, with a mean follow-up of 5.4 years. The mean age at onset was 10.1 years, which is younger than that described in recent series of children with lupus nephritis. All patients had renal involvement, including four normotensive patients with normal renal function and normal urinary sediment. When children whose disease started before the age of 10 years were compared with patients older at onset, there were no significant differences regarding the type of lesion or duration of therapy, but a higher incidence of renal death (.02<P<.05) was noted in younger children. Overall, 25% of our patients have died of renal causes, and another 25% have been undergoing dialysis, receiving transplants, or in chronic renal failure. The mortality in our series was higher than that reported in other series of children with lupus nephritis in recent years. Age and race may be acting synergistically to produce the higher mortality and morbidity. (Am J Dis Child 1983;137:481-483)