Relation of the visual field to the lateral geniculate body of the albino rat.

Systematic microelectrode exploration revealed that the visual field is represented in an orderly fashion in the contralateral dorsal lateral qeniculate nucleus. There is a regular shift of sectors of the visual field represented at successive coronal levels; towards caudal regions of the nucleus projections from the lower visual field predominate, while rostrally projections from the upper visual field predominate. Receptive fields of neurons encountered successively in a dorso-ventral electrode penetration shifted progressively downward in the visual field; a naso-temporal progression of receptive fields corresponded to a medio-lateral series of penetrations. Units with superimposed receptive fields were found along lines of projection which have a postero-dorsal to antero-ventral inclination. Lines representing central regions of the visual field run longer distances through the nucleus than lines representing the periphery of the visual field. Ipsilateral units were found scattered and intermingled with contra-lateral ones in the medial half of the dorsal nucleus. In the lateral 2/3 of the ventral nucleus the nasal visual field is represented dorsally and the temporal field ventrally.