Multivariate Analysis Of Gang Delinquency: I. Ecologic Influences

In continuity with delinquency area research, the study examined the neighborhood characteristics of 16 delinquent gangs in Chicago, 1960. Compared with city norms, gang neighborhoods were lower on Borgatta-Hadden census tract factors of Sodo-Economic Status and Stable Family; higher on Disorganization-deprivation; not different on the Suburb factor. Measures of gang behavior were taken from the Short-Tennyson-Howard rated behavior factors: Conflict, Stable Corner-Boy, Mature Sex, Retreatist, and Authority Protest. Significant positive correlations were found between the Suburb and the Stable Corner-Boy factors; and between the Socio-Economic Status and Authority Protest factors. These results seem to support two major parts of A. Cohen's theory of delinquent boys.

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