CpG islands and HTF islands in the HLA class I region: investigation of the methylation status of class I genes leads to precise physical mapping of the HLA-B and -C genes

We have investigated the accessibility of the 5′ CpG rich sequences (CpG islands) present in the 5′ region of most if not all HLA class I genes to methylation sensitive rare cutter enzymes. We show that for HLA-A, -B, -c genes and a few other (but not all) class I sequences these CpG islands are unmethylated and therefore constitute HTF islands (cpG rich, unmethylated regions of DNA, usually associated with expressed genes). We then map precisely the HTF islands of the HLA-B and HLA-C genes and determine that they are separated by 130 Kb (in agreement with genetic data) and that these two genes are in the same transcriptional orientation on the chromosome.