Hydrogen Clearance Method for Determining Local Cerebral Blood Flow. II. Effect of Heterogeneity in Cerebral Blood Flow

The time course of hydrogen uptake and washout was followed simultaneously in extracranial arterial blood, cortex, subcortical white matter, and caudate nucleus of the cat brain to study intercompartmental hydrogen concentration differences. A clear delay of 1–2 min was seen between the onsets of concentration increase in arterial blood and low-flow brain tissues. Equilibration time was dependent on local CBF and varied between 3 and 34 min. Hydrogen was not cleared simultaneously from the regions under detection. This led to considerable concentration differences within the cerebral tissue during washin and washout phases. Analysis of the clearance curves revealed that secondary equilibration occurs during washout. Hydrogen concentration in the external carotid artery was not a reliable reflection of tracer input in the brain tissues. The consequences of these observations for other techniques of CBF measurement using less diffusive gases and external detection are discussed.