The E‐rosette receptor (CD2, T11) is a differentiation antigen expressed on immature and mature human T lymphocytes. Activation of T cells from human peripheral blood with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or with monoclonal antibody to the CD3‐Ti complex (anti‐Leu‐4) caused the expression of CD2 to increase 10‐ to 20‐fold. Dual parameter correlated analyses with antibody to the T cell growth factor (TCGF) receptor (anti‐Tac) and anti‐CD2 antibody demonstrated that the increase in CD2 expression occurred at the same time and on the same cells that expressed the TCGF receptor after stimulation with PHA. The increased expression of CD2 and the initial expression of Tac were totally inhibited by cycloheximide, but were not affected by sufficient actinomycin‐D to block the T cell proliferative response. The expression of CD2 was compared with the expression of CD4 and CD8, i.e., T cell differentiation antigens on cytotoxic/suppressor or helper T cell, respectively. Althouth virtually all of the small percentage of freshly isolated Tac+ peripheral blood cells belonged to the CD4+, CD8 subset, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were equivalently activated by PHA to express Tac. By 20–30 hr after activation, the expression of CD4 or CD8 was initially decreased 10–50%. Subsequently, the expression of CD4 and CD8 returned to the levels on resting T cells but did not increase further. Therfore, the increase in CD2 expression does not reflect a universal property of cell surface antigens on activated T lymphocytes.