Micturition Cysto-urethrography in the Investigation of Urinary Tract Diseases in Children

The results of performing micturition cystourethrograms upon 496 infants and children are reported, and the findings correlated with the intravenous pyelograms and endoscopies carried out upon each child at about the same time. A high proportion of children with lower urinary symptoms have organic lesions that can be shown only by micturition cysto-urethrography or by endoscopy. Micturition cysto-urethrography is the radiological investigation of choice for such symptoms as persistent enuresis or infection. It rivals endoscopy in accuracy of diagnosis and it is the examination to be preferred, since no general anaesthetic is required and vesico-ureteral reflux can be detected as well. In lower urinary tract lesions the intravenous pyelogram is of little diagnostic value.