Purpose: We describe an easy technique to reliably harvest a vascularized dartos pedicle for urethral coverage at the time of urethroplasty in hypospadias surgery. The complication of urethrocutaneous fistula in hypospadias surgery as a result of using this technique is also evaluated. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review (July 1999 to September 2002) identified 180 pediatric patients who had undergone primary hypospadias surgery by a single surgeon. A modified technique of harvesting a vascularized dartos pedicle was incorporated in 111 hypospadias repairs. A ventral based vascularized dartos pedicle of tissue was used to cover a modified urethroplasty as described by Snodgrass. Results: The intraoperative meatal position before urethroplasty was subcoronal in 95 cases, penile/midshaft in 11 and penoscrotal in 5. The majority of patients (90 of 111) were younger than 12 months at surgery. Ages ranged from 5 months to 16 years (mean 21.1 months). Of the 111 patients reconstruction using the ventral based vascularized dartos pedicle to cover the urethroplasty was successful in 109 (98.2%), and at followup they have an acceptable cosmetic result with no evidence of urethrocutaneous fistula. In 1 patient with distal hypospadias a urethrocutaneous fistula developed, which was recognized 20 months postoperatively. Another patient with penoscrotal hypospadias had a proximal fistula at 6 months. There were no recognized intraoperative urethral injuries or complications. Followup ranged from 3 to 38 months (mean 19.1). Conclusions: The ventral based vascularized dartos pedicle urethral coverage procedure is an easy and reliable technique to harvest adequate vascularized tissue to cover a hypospadias urethroplasty. In this small single surgeon series, this technique appears to have contributed to a low rate of urethrocutaneous fistulas after hypospadias repair.