Velocity-correlation functions in two and three dimensions. II. Higher density

The short- and long-time behavior of the velocity-correlation functions characteristic for the coefficient of self-diffusion, and the kinetic parts of the coefficient of viscosity, and thermal conductivity, respectively, are computed approximately as a function of the density for a gas of hard disks or hard spheres on the basis of kinetic theory. The results obtained here are a generalization to higher densities of those obtained in an earlier paper, and reduce to them in the low-density limit. The density dependence is obtained by taking into account a larger number of dynamical events than previously considered. It is found that for short times the correlation functions decay exponentially, but that for longer times t, the correlation functions decay α(d)(n)(tt0)d2 where n is the density, t0 the mean free time between collisions, and d is the number of dimensions. The coefficient α(d)(n) is determined by the transport coefficients of the Enskog theory for a dense gas of hard disks or hard spheres and is in very good agreement with existing computer experiments.