Simultaneous Determinations of MSMA and Arsenic Acid in Plants

Monosodium methanearsonate (MSMA) and arsenic acid (AA) were measured simultaneously in johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense(L.) Pers.) and cottonseed (Gossypium hirsutumL. ‘SJ-1’) by a bicolorimetric method. Tissues from plants sprayed with MSMA while growing and tissues with MSMA and AA added just prior to extraction were analyzed. Johnsongrass sprayed with MSMA solution at 11.2 kg/ha contained, on a dry weight basis, 423.0 ppmw of MSMA and 0.00 ppmw of AA at 7 days and 10.83 and 0.21 ppmw, respectively, after 54 days of regrowth. The cotton plants were sprayed twice to runoff with MSMA, first with 0.3 g/L and second with 1.2 g/L. Cottonseed from the sprayed cotton plants contained, on a dry weight basis, 2.45 ppmw of MSMA and 0.08 ppmw of AA after the first picking and 3.02 and 0.10 ppmw, respectively, after the second. Background levels of MSMA and AA were, respectively, on a dry weight basis, 0.63 and 0.02 ppmw in johnsongrass and 0.58 and 0.00 ppmw in cottonseed.