A Randomized Study of Factor VIII or Prothrombin Complex Concentrate Infusions in Children with Haemophilia and Antibodies to Factor VIII

In 4 children with hemophilia A and anti-bodies to factor [E] VIII, 18 bleeding episodes were randomized for treatment with FVIII concentrate (30 units[U]/kg) and 18 for treatment with a prothrombin-complex concentrate (prothrombinex) given in a dose of 30 U of FIX/kg. Treatment with prothrombinex was associated with a better clinical response, a significantly greater shortening of the kaolin partial thromboplastin time and significantly lower incidence of post-infection increase of levels of FVIII antibodies. Although treatment with FVIII concentrate was clinically successful in 15 episodes, treatment failures occurred in 3 instances leading to parental request for withdrawal from study in 2 families.