Changing Trends in the Management of Retinoblastoma: 1951-1965 vs 1966-1980

A retrospective analysis of the records of 1253 retinoblastoma patients (567 females, 665 males, and sex of one unknown) seen in the years 1951-1965 (575 patients, Interval I) and 1966-1980 (678 patients, Interval II) was conducted to determine changes in the manner of presentation of the disease, the treatment modalities employed, and their subsequent outcomes following treatment. There was no significant difference between the two 15-year time intervals in the age at presentation (mean, range), laterality, gender, family history, laterality vs gender distribution, family history vs laterality, employment of chemotherapy in unilateral cases or the use of external beam radiation (EBR) in bilateral cases. Changing trends in the management of retinoblastoma were observed as a result of the introduction of new treatment modalities, such as cryotherapy, light coagulation, and radioactive plaque therapy. Bilateral patients have received chemotherapy less frequently in interval II. The use of photocoagulation, cryotherapy, and brachytherapy for bilaterals, and cryotherapy for unilaterals increased significantly during Interval II. During both time intervals, a significantly higher percentage of unilaterally affected eyes were enucleated compared with bilaterally affected eyes; in addition, there was a decrease in the percentage of enucleations performed on both unilaterally and bilaterally affected eyes. In Interval II, 87% of unilateral patients and 91% of the bilateral patients had an enucleation performed.

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