Beta-Gamma Circular Polarization Correlation Experiments

A circular polarization analyzer for γ rays is described. Measurements on circular polarization of bremsstrahlung due to β particles from P32 and Tm170 agree with previous and concurrent measurements and, together with Co60 circular polarization correlation studies, establish a check on the calculated calibration curve of the analyzer. We have studied the βγ circular polarization correlation in the following allowed jj transitions: Na24, Sc44, Sc46, V48, and Co58. The result for Sc46 indicates the presence of a strong interference between Gamow-Teller and Fermi couplings. The β interaction, therefore, should contain a combination of S and T, or (and) V and A, interactions with small or no phase difference between the interaction constants. If one assumes maximum interference, our experiments give information on the ratio of Gamow-Teller to Fermi interaction. The once-forbidden transition Au198 gives the maximum possible asymmetry. All results are in agreement with the 2-component neutrino theory and the assumption of V, A or alternatively S, T, P interaction.