Energy fluxes through the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean have been calculated using bulk aerodynamic equations with exchange coefficients which vary with wind speed and stability, and radiation equations. Values of the coefficients were determined from published results of many experiments made at sea, coastal installations and in laboratories. Eight million ship weather reports were used for flux calculations. Reliabilities of monthly meteorological and flux averages are found to be good in areas having SW or move observations per average. A chart of the net annual heat gain by the ocean shows regions with characteristic gains or losses such as the Gulf Stream, Norwegian Sea, Labrador Current, trade winds and upwelling areas. Annual cycles of fluxes, winds, temperatures, clouds and rainfall in eight regions are presented and discussed from the point of view of predominating air–sea interaction processes. Contributions of meteorological variables, oceanic currents, atmospheric circulations a... Abstract Energy fluxes through the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean have been calculated using bulk aerodynamic equations with exchange coefficients which vary with wind speed and stability, and radiation equations. Values of the coefficients were determined from published results of many experiments made at sea, coastal installations and in laboratories. Eight million ship weather reports were used for flux calculations. Reliabilities of monthly meteorological and flux averages are found to be good in areas having SW or move observations per average. A chart of the net annual heat gain by the ocean shows regions with characteristic gains or losses such as the Gulf Stream, Norwegian Sea, Labrador Current, trade winds and upwelling areas. Annual cycles of fluxes, winds, temperatures, clouds and rainfall in eight regions are presented and discussed from the point of view of predominating air–sea interaction processes. Contributions of meteorological variables, oceanic currents, atmospheric circulations a...

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