Multichannel-quantum-defect-theory treatment of preionized and predissociated triplet gerade levels ofH2

Multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) is used to calculate highly excited predissociated and preionized triplet gerade states of H2. The treatment is ab initio and is based on the clamped-nuclei quantum-defect matrices and dipole transition moments derived from quantum-chemical potential energy curves by Ross et al. [Can. J. Phys. (to be published)]. Level positions, predissociation or preionization widths and relative intensities are found to be in good agreement with those observed by Lembo et al. [Phys. Rev. A 38, 3447 (1988); J. Chem. Phys. 92, 2219 (1990)] by an optical-optical double resonance photoionization or depletion technique.