Adjuvant Activity of a Nontoxic Mutant ofEscherichia coliHeat-Labile Enterotoxin on Systemic and Mucosal Immune Responses Elicited against a Heterologous Antigen Carried by a LiveSalmonella entericaSerovar Typhimurium Vaccine Strain

Systemic and mucosal antibody responses against both the major subunit of colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) of enterotoxigenicEscherichia coli(ETEC) and the somatic lipopolysaccharide expressed by recombinant bivalentSalmonellavaccine strains were significantly enhanced by coadministration of a detoxified derivative with preserved adjuvant effects of the ETEC heat-labile toxin, LT(R192G). The results further support the adjuvant effects of LT(R192G)and represent a simple alternative to improve responses against passenger antigens expressed by orally deliveredSalmonellavaccine strains.

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