Ten-Year Survival and Age at Diagnosis of Women with Breast Cancer from a Population-Based Study in Umbria, Italy

We analyzed the 10-year survival of 1,512 women with breast cancer in relation to age at diagnosis. The incident cases were from an ad hoc investigation in Umbria, a region of central Italy, for the period 1978-1982. The follow-up was carried out by an automatic link with the RENCAM (Nominative register of causes of death) and verified at the Registrar's Offices of the various towns of the region. Observed survival at 1 year was 0.89, at 3 years 0.75, at 5 years 0.64 and at 10 years 0.47. Median survival was 9.0 years. Relative survival at 1, 3, 5, 10 years was respectively 0.91, 0.79, 0.71 and 0.59. Women <35 years of age had a better prognosis both at 5 (0.83) and 10 years (0.69) from diagnosis. Thereafter, survival decreased with increasing age. The exception to this trend was women in the 45-49 and 60-64 year age ranges, for which survival was greater than the previous age range classes by 6% and 13%, respectively, at 5 years from diagnosis and 6% and 14% at 10 years. Comparison of data from Umbria and Italian and European Registries shows that the prognosis for Umbrian women with breast cancer is quite good.