Premature Rupture of the Membranes - Intervention or Not

Premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) in otherwise uncomplicated full-term single pregnancies was studied in a prospective randomized study. Ninety-three women were randomized to either induction with oxytocin infusion (n = 43) or expectant management (n = 50). Twenty-four and 26 respectively were nulliparas. In the induction group, all but 3 were delivered within 24 h from PROM. There were 3 vacuum extractions (VE), all in nulliparous women. No cesarean section (CS) was performed. In the expectancy group, 23 of 50 were delivered within 24 h. There were 5 VE and 3 CS in nulliparas and 1 VE and 1 CS in paras. The instrumental actions were mainly due to arrest of 1 st or 2nd stage labor. The only clinical infections occurred in nulliparas in the expectancy group. Our conclusion is that parous women with PROM can be treated by either induction or expectancy while in nulliparas, induction after some hours’ expectation seems preferable.