Studies on biochemical effects of nitrogen dioxide: I. Lipid peroxidation as measured by ethane exhalation of rats exposed to nitrogen dioxide

This research was in order to follow the periodic fluctuation of lipid peroxidation by a new method in rats exposed to nitrogen dioxide. Wistar male rats were examined for lipid peroxidation as demonstrated by ethane exhalation. In rats continuously exposed to 10 ppm nitrogen dioxide for 2 weeks, the amount of ethane exhaled fluctuated in a complex manner during the exposure. Ethane exhalation decreased slightly after the first day of exposure and then increased rapidly. The maximal values were observed after the fourth day of exposure and then decreased gradually to the initial level. Furthermore, the activity of glutathione peroxidase in lungs of rats exposed to 10 ppm nitrogen dioxide varied symmetrically against the change of ethane formation. Similar changes in ethane exhalation were observed in rats exposed to the lower levels of nitrogen dioxide (0.4, 1.2 and 4.0 ppm) for 4 months. Compared to 10 ppm nitrogen dioxide exposure for 14 days, the characteristics in rats exposed to the low levels (0.4–4.0 ppm) of nitrogen dioxide were: the decline of ethane formation, the delay in alterations, and the tendency toward gradual increased during the longer period exposure.