The distribution of PGM[phosphoglucomatase]1 phenotypes from persons belonging to various ethnic groups in the Asian-Pacific area was analyzed using isoelectric focusing (I.E.F.) in 0.35 mm thick polyacrylamide gels pH 5-7. Comparison of the 4 common allotype frequencies indicates well-marked differences in their distribution. The PGM1*1+ allotype frequency varies from 43-77% in Western Samoa and Port Moresby, respectively. Melanesians from Papua New Guinea and Fiji, Aborigines from central Australia and Indonesians from the Lesser Sunda islands have higher frequencies of the PGM1*1- allotypes (21-25%), whereas east Asians and Indian populations have approximately half this frequency. Indian populations are distinctive in having higher frequencies of the PGM1*2+ allotype (22-31%). The lowest values (2%) are recorded in Micronesians. The Polynesians, except for Cook Islanders, are characterized by having the highest frequencies (23%) of the PGM1*2-allotype. These values are in contrast to the Papua New Guineans and Australian Aborigines where the PGM1*2-allotype reaches minimum values of of .apprx. 1%. A new PGM1*7 Delhi allotype recently detected in Delhi, North India, was found with polymorphic frequency in Madras, South India. The allotype frequencies were used for genetic distance analysis to demonstrate the genetic affinities between the populations studied.