Digital Cushions in Horses Comprise Coarse Connective Tissue, Myxoid Tissue, and Cartilage but Only Little Unilocular Fat Tissue

Digital cushions were studied in horses with particular reference to vascularization, tissue constituents and matrix components. The cushions mainly resembled a network of coarse collagen bundles. The areas inbetween the bundles were replenished with loosely woven interstitial connective tissue, myxoid tissue, and fibrocartilage. Expected masses of fat lobules were missing: only solitary adipocytes or small groups of adipocytes were seen. Vascular supply to the cushions was remarkably poor. The mucinous myxoid matrix largely consisted of hyaluronan with little sulphated glycosaminoglycans. Myxoid cells were stellate or ramified in shape and showed a tendency to store glycogen and lipid droplets. Myxoid cells reacted for vimentin and stained for S-100 protein. Moreover, myxoid cells often reacted for neuron specific enolase and glial fibrillary acidic protein. Myxoid tissue continuously transformed into loosely organized interstitial connective tissue with fibroblasts, which remained unreactive when tested for neuroectodermal markers. Myxoid tissue also was not clearly demarcated against irregularly interspersed islets of fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage. Chondrocytes did not stain for neuron specific enolase but reactivity for S-100 protein and glial fibrillary acidic protein was noted in peripheral regions of fibrocartilage. Single or grouped unilocular fat cells were rarely placed into myxoid areas. Unilocular fat cells stained for vimentin, S-100 protein, and occasionally for glial fibrillary acidic protein but not for neuron specific enolase. Continuous transformation of myxoid tissue into cartilage together with corresponding reactivity for neuroectodermal marker proteins of myxoid cells and peripherally located chondrocytes suggest close relationship between myxoid cells and chondrocytes. The same criteria indicate relationship between myxoid cells and adipocytes. Coarse connective tissue, myxoid tissue, fibrous cartilage, and fat cells are functionally combined to absorb mechanical shock in the horse digital cushions.