Are pelvic irradiation and routine staging laparotomy necessary in clinically staged IA and IIA Hodgkin's disease?

Thirty‐nine patients with clinically staged IA and IIA Hodgkin's disease were treated with mantle plus paraaortic/splenic irradiation between 1968 and 1975. All patients had supradiaphragmatic presentations, and none had staging laparotomies. With a follow‐up time of 1 to 9 years, mean 4.3 years, the overall relapse‐free survival is 92% (100% for stage IA and 89% for stage IIA). The absolute relapse‐free 5‐year survival is 91% There were no pelvic recurrences. These data show that routine staging laparotomy and pelvic irradiation are not indicated for clinically staged IA and IIA Hodgkin's disease with supradiaphragmatic presentations. The criteria for staging laparotomy in early‐stage Hodgkin's disease are discussed. Cancer 40:2914‐2916, 1977.