The effects of an oxime cholinesterase reactivator, 2-hydroxyiminomethyl-N-methylpyridinium methanesulphonate (pralidoxime methanesulphonate, P2S) or iodide (pralidoxime iodide, PAM, P2AM), and atropine, given separately or together, on poisoning by ten organophosphate or carbamate anticholinesterase insecticides are reported on rats. Atropine alone was beneficial with all materials. Oxime therapy alone was effective to varying degrees with isolan, phosdrin, gusathion, ethyl-gusathion, demeton, thimet, phosphamidon and possibly dimetilan, but ineffective with sevin and morphothion. With the organophosphates, these findings are related to the proportion of reversible enzyme inhibition predicted. No potentiation between atropine and oxime was found when the insecticide was given orally, and the combination was less effective than atropine alone with gusathion, ethyl-gusathion, demeton and morphothion. Beneficial potentiation between oxime and atropine did occur with intraperitoneal morphothion